House Bill 102
Revise school funding
To amend sections 109.57, 109.572, 125.04, 131.45, 319.301, 319.36, 319.40, 319.45, 319.50, 321.31, 321.34, 321.341, 323.08, 323.156, 323.31, 718.09, 718.10, 725.02, 1728.06, 1728.10, 1728.11, 1728.111, 2151.362, 3301.079, 3301.0711, 3301.0714, 3301.16, 3301.162, 3301.163, 3302.10, 3302.12, 3311.20, 3311.21, 3313.29, 3313.55, 3313.64, 3313.6411, 3313.65, 3313.83, 3313.982, 3314.03, 3314.07, 3314.08, 3314.084, 3314.085, 3314.087, 3314.09, 3314.091, 3315.01, 3315.18, 3316.20, 3317.01, 3317.015, 3317.018, 3317.019, 3317.02, 3317.021, 3317.022, 3317.023, 3317.024, 3317.025, 3317.026, 3317.027, 3317.028, 3317.0210, 3317.0211, 3317.0212, 3317.0213, 3317.0214, 3317.0215, 3317.0216, 3317.03, 3317.034, 3317.051, 3317.081, 3317.16, 3317.161, 3317.20, 3317.25, 3318.011, 3318.71, 3319.17, 3319.57, 3323.01, 3323.091, 3323.13, 3323.14, 3323.141, 3323.142, 3323.143, 3326.11, 3326.33, 3326.39, 3326.40, 3326.41, 3326.51, 3327.01, 3327.011, 3327.012, 3327.013, 3327.02, 3327.03, 3327.06, 3327.07, 3327.09, 3327.10, 3327.12, 3327.13, 3327.14, 3327.15, 3327.16, 3327.17, 3333.81, 3365.07, 3735.67, 3735.671, 4503.06, 5139.07, 5705.01, 5705.03, 5705.10, 5705.191, 5705.192, 5705.194, 5705.199, 5705.21, 5705.211, 5705.212, 5705.213, 5705.215, 5705.217, 5705.218, 5705.219, 5705.2111, 5705.2112, 5705.2113, 5705.28, 5705.31, 5705.311, 5705.315, 5705.32, 5705.412, 5709.081, 5709.40, 5709.41, 5709.42, 5709.43, 5709.45, 5709.46, 5709.47, 5709.62, 5709.63, 5709.631, 5709.632, 5709.73, 5709.74, 5709.75, 5709.78, 5709.79, 5709.80, 5709.82, 5709.84, 5709.85, 5709.88, 5709.882, 5709.883, 5709.91, 5709.92, 5715.17, 5715.19, 5715.22, 5715.27, 5717.02, 5739.02, 5739.10, 5739.21, 5741.02, 5741.03, 5747.021, 5748.02, 5748.021, 5748.08, 5748.081, 5748.09, and 5751.02 and to enact new section 3317.06 and sections 3311.39, 3317.011, 3318.91, 3318.92, 3367.01, 3367.02, 3367.03, 3367.04, 3367.05, 5705.17, 5709.94, and 5748.10, and to repeal sections 725.021, 3310.01, 3310.02, 3310.03, 3310.031, 3310.032, 3310.035, 3310.04, 3310.05, 3310.06, 3310.07, 3310.08, 3310.09, 3310.10, 3310.11, 3310.12, 3310.13, 3310.14, 3310.15, 3310.16, 3310.17, 3310.41, 3310.42, 3310.43, 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.522, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.55, 3310.56, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63, 3310.64, 3313.974, 3313.975, 3313.976, 3313.977, 3313.978, 3313.979, 3313.98, 3313.981, 3313.983, 3317.017, 3317.0217, 3317.0218, 3317.06, 3317.064, 3317.08, 3317.082, 3323.052, 3327.04, 3327.05, 3327.11, 5705.314, and 5709.83 of the Revised Code, all subject to the approval of the electors of this state, to replace locally levied school district property taxes with a statewide property tax and require recipients of certain tax exemptions to reimburse the state for such levy revenue lost due to those exemptions; to increase the state sales and use tax rates and allocate additional revenue to state education purposes; to repeal school district income taxes; to require the Treasurer of State to issue general obligation bonds to refund certain school district debt obligations; to create a new system of funding schools where the state pays a specified amount per student that each student may use to attend the public or chartered nonpublic school of the student's choice, without the requirement of a local contribution; to eliminate the School Facilities Commission; to eliminate the Educational Choice Scholarship Pilot Program, Pilot Project Scholarship Program, Autism Scholarship Program, and Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program; to eliminate interdistrict open enrollment; to require educational service centers to transport students on a countywide basis; and to permit school districts to enter into a memoranda of understanding for one district to manage another.
Current Version

House Finance Committee
Primary Sponsors
Andrew Brenner
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