House Bill 512
Restructure education agencies and their duties
To amend sections 5.224, 9.231, 9.55, 102.02, 103.48, 107.35, 109.57, 109.572, 109.64, 109.65, 109.71, 109.72, 109.746, 117.464, 121.02, 121.03, 121.35, 121.37, 121.40, 122.33, 122.76, 122.77, 124.11, 124.382, 124.384, 125.05, 125.092, 125.13, 125.901, 126.21, 126.32, 126.45, 133.06, 133.061, 135.142, 141.01, 145.222, 149.331, 149.433, 154.17, 154.21, 175.30, 184.01, 191.01, 191.02, 307.091, 311.01, 319.301, 901.71, 921.06, 955.43, 1713.02, 1713.03, 1713.031, 1713.04, 1713.05, 1713.06, 1713.09, 1713.25, 2151.011, 2151.353, 2151.362, 2305.111, 2741.01, 2901.01, 2903.13, 2907.03, 2917.31, 2917.46, 2923.122, 2923.1212, 2925.01, 2950.11, 3301.07, 3301.071, 3301.072, 3301.073, 3301.074, 3301.075, 3301.076, 3301.077, 3301.079, 3301.0710, 3301.0711, 3301.0712, 3301.0713, 3301.0714, 3301.0715, 3301.0716, 3301.0717, 3301.0718, 3301.0719, 3301.0720, 3301.0721, 3301.0722, 3301.0723, 3301.0724, 3301.0725, 3301.0726, 3301.0728, 3301.08, 3301.10, 3301.11, 3301.121, 3301.122, 3301.13, 3301.131, 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5910.04, 5910.08, 5919.34, 5919.341, 6109.21, 6301.11, 6301.111, 6301.112, 6301.15, 6301.20, and 6301.21; to amend, for the purpose of adopting a new section number as indicated in parentheses, section 3313.536 (5502.262); to enact sections 3301.061, 3301.062, 3301.0730, 3301.0731, 3301.0732, and 3301.123; and to repeal sections 3301.111, 3301.12, 3333.01, 3333.011, 3333.02, 3333.03, 3333.032, 3333.35, and 3357.19 of the Revised Code to establish the Department of Learning and Achievement; to abolish the Department of Higher Education, the position of the Chancellor of Higher Education, and the Ohio Board of Regents; to transfer, with exceptions, the duties regarding the administration of primary and secondary education programs and all duties regarding the administration of higher education programs to the Department of Learning and Achievement; and to prescribe certain duties regarding educator licensure, community school sponsorship, and other education programs for the State Board of Education, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Department of Education.
Current Version

House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee
Primary Sponsors
Bill Reineke
Louis W. Blessing III
Andrew Brenner
Rick Carfagna
James M. Hoops
J. Kyle Koehler
Dorothy Pelanda
Craig S. Riedel
Learn More : Glossary of Terms | The Legislative Process
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.