House Bill 161
Eliminate spousal exceptions for certain sex offenses
To amend sections 2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.04, 2907.05, 2907.06, 2907.07, and 2945.42 of the Revised Code to eliminate the spousal exceptions for the offenses of rape, sexual battery, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, gross sexual imposition, sexual imposition, and importuning and to permit a person to testify against the person's spouse in a prosecution for any of those offenses.
Current Version
Effective Date
August 9, 2024

House Criminal Justice Committee
Senate Judiciary Committee
Primary Sponsors
Jessica E. Miranda
Brett Hudson Hillyer
Nickie J. Antonio
Louis W. Blessing, III
Andrew O. Brenner
Jerry C. Cirino
Hearcel F. Craig
William P. DeMora
Matt Dolan
Theresa Gavarone
Bob D. Hackett
Paula Hicks-Hudson
Stephen A. Huffman
Catherine D. Ingram
Terry Johnson
Stephanie Kunze
Al Landis
George F. Lang
Nathan H. Manning
Rob McColley
Mark Romanchuk
Michael A. Rulli
Tim Schaffer
Kirk Schuring
Kent Smith
Vernon Sykes
Shane Wilkin
Steve Wilson
Munira Abdullahi
Cindy Abrams
Rachel B. Baker
Adam C. Bird
Sean P. Brennan
Richard D. Brown
Sara P. Carruthers
Gary Click
Rodney Creech
Jon Cross
Al Cutrona
Richard Dell'Aquila
Dave Dobos
Jay Edwards
Elliot Forhan
Haraz N. Ghanbari
Michele Grim
Thomas Hall
James M. Hoops
Latyna M. Humphrey
Dani Isaacsohn
Marilyn John
Don Jones
Brian Lampton
Mary Lightbody
Beth Liston
Mike Loychik
Adam Mathews
Lauren McNally
Adam C. Miller
Joseph A. Miller, III
Kevin D. Miller
Ismail Mohamed
Scott Oelslager
Gail K. Pavliga
Tracy M. Richardson
Monica Robb Blasdel
C. Allison Russo
Jean Schmidt
Anita Somani
Bride Rose Sweeney
Cecil Thomas
Casey Weinstein
Josh Williams
Bernard Willis
Tom Young
Learn More : Glossary of Terms | The Legislative Process
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.