House Bill 475
Regards state and local funding of abortion providers
To amend sections 5747.50, 5747.502, 5747.51, and 5747.53 and to enact sections 9.042, 305.44, 701.11, 3701.651, 5747.504, and 5747.505 of the Revised Code to prohibit state funds from being given to any entity that supports, promotes, or provides abortions, to require counties and municipal corporations to report abortion-related spending, and to withhold and reallocate to pregnancy resource centers state local government funds from a county or municipal corporation that engages in such spending.
Current Version

House Government Oversight Committee
Primary Sponsors
Josh Williams
Thaddeus J. Claggett
Gary Click
Bill Dean
Jennifer Gross
Angela N. King
Roy Klopfenstein
Riordan T. McClain
Tracy M. Richardson
Jean Schmidt
D. J. Swearingen
Scott Wiggam
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