House Bill 471
Repeals obsolete boards and commissions
To amend sections 9.901, 101.82, 101.83, 101.84, 101.85, 101.86, 101.87, 107.12, 109.71, 135.143, 149.301, 149.302, 149.43, 154.01, 154.22, 174.06, 189.10, 505.375, 924.01, 924.04, 924.07, 924.09, 924.24, 924.25, 924.26, 1501.012, 1501.07, 1503.03, 1505.05, 1505.12, 1505.13, 1510.01, 1510.02, 1510.04, 1510.05, 1510.06, 1510.08, 1510.09, 1510.10, 1510.11, 1513.27, 1513.28, 1513.30, 1513.31, 1513.32, 1513.37, 1517.23, 1546.06, 1547.81, 1551.35, 1557.06, 2933.82, 3334.03, 3334.08, 3701.344, 3701.77, 3702.71, 3702.79, 3705.35, 3705.36, 3707.521, 3711.20, 3727.39, 3727.41, 3745.015, 3772.02, 3905.04, 3905.481, 3905.484, 3905.485, 3905.486, 3905.88, 3929.51, 4121.61, 4503.515, 4740.14, 5903.02, 5911.09, and 5911.12, and to enact section 924.17, and to repeal sections 109.561, 149.303, 193.01, 193.03, 193.05, 193.07, 193.09, 1505.11, 1506.12, 1513.29, 1517.03, 1517.04, 1521.19, 1546.30, 1546.31, 3333.58, 3701.346, 3701.773, 3701.774, 3702.80, 3702.81, 3727.31, 3727.311, 3727.312, 3727.313, 3727.32, 3727.321, 3905.483, and 4121.70 of the Revised Code, and to amend Sections 729.10 and 729.11 of Am. Sub. H.B. 483 of the 130th General Assembly, as subsequently amended, and to repeal Sections 259.270, 263.560, 327.320, 737.10, and 745.10 of Am. Sub. H.B. 64 of the 131st General Assembly, Sections 323.234, 323.235, 747.10, and 753.30 of Am. Sub. H.B. 59 of the 130th General Assembly, Section 5 of Am. Sub. H.B. 487 of the 130th General Assembly, Section 5 of Sub. H.B. 5 of the 130th General Assembly, Section 3 of Sub. H.B. 276 of the 129th General Assembly, Section 209.40 of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 of the 129th General Assembly, Section 371.60.80 of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 of the 129th General Assembly as subsequently amended, Section 701.40 of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 of the 129th General Assembly as subsequently amended, Sections 751.13 and 751.20 of Am. Sub. H.B. 1 of the 128th General Assembly, Section 701.05 of Am. Sub. H.B. 1 of the 128th General Assembly as subsequently amended, Section 755.40 of Am. Sub. H.B. 2 of the 128th General Assembly, Section 5 of Sub. S.B. 162 of the 128th General Assembly as subsequently amended, Section 313 of Am. Sub. H.B. 420 of the 127th General Assembly, Section 375.60.80 of Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly, Section 560.03 of Am. Sub. H.B. 66 of the 126th General Assembly, Section 3 of Am. Sub. S.B. 311 of the 126th General Assembly, Section 8 of Am. Sub. S.B. 311 of the 126th General Assembly as subsequently amended, Section 3 of Sub. H.B. 204 of the 125th General Assembly, and Section 5 of Sub. H.B. 57 of the 124th General Assembly, to extend the deadline of the Criminal Justice Recodification Committee recommendations to June 30, 2017, to modify the provisions regarding the membership of the Committee, to modify the Treasurer of State's authority to invest the interim funds of the state, to authorize the conveyance of, and the granting of perpetual easements to, state-owned real property, to implement the recommendations of the Sunset Review Committee by abolishing, terminating, transferring, or renewing various agencies and by requiring a Sunset Review Committee to be convened during each odd-numbered General Assembly, and to declare an emergency.
Current Version
Effective Date
December 19, 2016
Emergency: effective December 19, 2016

House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee
Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee
Primary Sponsors
Tim W. Brown
William P. Coley, II
John Eklund
Keith Faber
Bob D. Hackett
Shannon Jones
Kris Jordan
Thomas F. Patton
William Seitz
Joe Uecker
Ron Amstutz
Marlene Anielski
Niraj J. Antani
Nickie J. Antonio
Nan A. Baker
Louis W. Blessing III
Margaret Conditt
Timothy Derickson
Michael D. Dovilla
Mike Duffey
Doug Green
Christina Hagan
Stephen D. Hambley
Jeffrey A. McClain
Sean O'Brien
Dorothy Pelanda
Wes Retherford
Martin J. Sweeney
Andy Thompson
Ron Young
Learn More : Glossary of Terms | The Legislative Process
The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.