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House Committees

Committee Date Status Bill Text
Energy and Natural Resources June 18, 2019 1st Hearing Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Energy and Natural Resources October 16, 2019 2nd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Edward Pheil Elysium Industries Limited/USA Proponent Download
Jon Morrow eGeneration Economic Development Corporation Proponent Download
William H. Thesling eGeneration Economic Development Corporation Proponent Download
Vasil Hlinka AwareAbility Technologies Proponent Download
Charles Alexander Proponent Download
Don Larson Thorium and Molten Salt Reactor Association Proponent Download
Patty Gascoyne Proponent Download
Richard Denning Proponent Download
David Amerine Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Energy and Natural Resources October 30, 2019 3rd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Patricia Marida Ohio Sierra Club Nuclear Free Committee Opponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Energy and Natural Resources February 19, 2020 4th Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
William Thesling eGeneration Economic Development Corporation Proponent Download
Jon Morrow eGeneration Foundation Interested Party Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Energy and Natural Resources May 12, 2020 5th Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Patricia Marida Ohio Sierra Club Nuclear Free Committee Opponent Download
Dr. William Thesling eGeneration Economic Development Corporation Proponent Download
Jon Morrow Economist Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Energy and Natural Resources May 27, 2020 6th Hearing Download

Senate Committees

Committee Date Status Bill Text
Energy and Public Utilities July 21, 2020 1st Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Rep. Dick Stein Sponsor Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Energy and Public Utilities November 17, 2020 2nd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
David Amerine ANTHEM Proponent Download
Donald Larson Anthem Proponent Download
Edward Pheil Elysium Industries Proponent Download
Patty Gascoyne Proponent Download
Vasil Hilinka AwareAbility Proponent Download
Dr. William Thesling eGeneration Economic Development Co. Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Energy and Public Utilities December 1, 2020 3rd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Connie Kline Opponent Download
Dr. William Thesling Interested Party Download
Patricia Marida Sierra Club Opponent Download
Kary Love Michigan Taxpayers Assocation Opponent Download
Susan Kuehn TCSE Opponent Download
Terry J. Lodge, Esq. Toledo Coalition for Safe Energy Opponent Download
Ruth Hardy Opponent Download
Lee Blackburn Opponent Download
Dave McCoy Citizen Action NM Opponent Download
Janet Greenwald Opponent Download
Karen Hadden SEED Coalition Opponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Energy and Public Utilities December 17, 2020 3rd Hearing Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Energy and Public Utilities December 22, 2020 5th Hearing Download

Primary Sponsors

Dick Stein


Steven M. Arndt
John Becker
Jamie Callender
Rick Carfagna
Sara P. Carruthers
Robert R. Cupp
Anthony DeVitis
Bill Dean
Mark Fraizer
Dave Greenspan
Stephen D. Hambley
Adam Holmes
Ron Hood
J. Kyle Koehler
Sarah LaTourette
George F. Lang
P. Scott Lipps
Gayle Manning
Riordan T. McClain
Thomas F. Patton
Craig S. Riedel
John M. Rogers
Mark J. Romanchuk
Bill Seitz
Jason Stephens
D. J. Swearingen
A. Nino Vitale
Scott Wiggam
Shane Wilkin

Learn More : Glossary of Terms | The Legislative Process

The online versions of legislation provided on this website are not official. Enrolled bills are the final version passed by the Ohio General Assembly and presented to the Governor for signature. The official version of acts signed by the Governor are available from the Secretary of State's Office at 180 S. Civic Center Dr., Columbus, OH 43215.